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All times are for Bergen (UTC+2)
StartEndSunday August 4 - Session TopicChairs and PresentersLocation
09:30 12:30 Special(109): Policy Council Meeting Allyson Beall King Musèplass (11)
Himadri Banerji
10:00 10:30 Plenary(315): Student-Organized Colloquium Welcome (In Person Only) Celia Stafford Sydneshaugen (3)
Beatriz Pérez Horno
10:30 11:15 Plenary(316): Intro to Problem Definition (In Person Only) Celia Stafford Sydneshaugen (3)
Marjan Shamayeli
11:15 11:45 Plenary(317): Problem Definition Working Session (In Person Only) Celia Stafford Sydneshaugen (3)
Marjan Shamayeli
13:00 14:00 Special(325): Volunteer: In-person Room Supervisor Training A Sandra Volken, Meagan Colvin Strangehagen (12)
13:15 14:15 Plenary(318): SOC Plenary (Hybrid) Celia Stafford Sydneshaugen (3)
Ali Akhavan, Daniel de los Rios Pérez
  System level impacts of electrification on road freight transport efficiency - a System Dynamics approach Zeinab Raoofi, Claudia Andruetto, Rod MacDonald  
  Maintaining and Improving Habitability in the Pacific Emily Nabong, Jeff Walters, Aaron Opdyke  
14:15 15:15 Special(319): Model Conceptualization (In Person Only) Celia Stafford Sydneshaugen (3)
Marjan Shamayeli
14:45 15:45 Special(110): Newcomer Orientation Sander Zeijlemaker, Rebecca Niles Musèplass (11)
Hesam Mahmoudi, Beatriz Pérez Horno
15:15 16:00 Special(320): Angel advisor feedback (In Person Only) Celia Stafford Sydneshaugen (3)
Anika Krishna
16:00 17:15 Special(321): Wrap up (In Person Only) Celia Stafford Sydneshaugen (3)
Daan Bos
16:00 17:15 Special(327): Volunteer: In-Person Registration/Help Desk Training Meagan Colvin
16:00 17:15 Special(328): Volunteer: Pre-Conference Zoom Practice Andries Botha Virtual Room Main
16:15 17:15 Special(111): Session Chair Orientation Hazhir Rahmandad, Mohammad Jalali Musèplass (11)
Zeynep Hasgul, Anika Krishna
17:00 18:00 Special(326): Volunteer: In-person Room Supervisor Training B Sandra Volken, Meagan Colvin Strangehagen (12)
17:15 18:45 TableTalk(322): SOC Table Talk Session (In Person Only) Celia Stafford Sydneshaugen (3)
Daan Bos
  Using System Dynamics to Predict Health Trends in China: A Close Look at Healthy Life Expectancy Junlai Zhang  
  Modeling the Business Dynamics of Shared Micromobility Fleet Development Shahnaz Nabila Fuady, Yusak Octavius Susilo, Paul Pfaffenbichler  
  Where Will Food Come From? A Look at the Potential of Vertical Farming in Norway with a System Dynamics Simulation Model Aidan Sliwkowski, Jefferson K. Rajah  
  The dynamic radicalization process and violent behaviour of Incels Tess Jongsma, Jefferson K. Rajah  
  Contextual factors affecting follow-up care after hospital discharge for patients with chronic diseases: Causal Loop Diagram Asma Mohamedsharif  
  Pathways towards climate targets – What synergies arise in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)? Eva Wretschitsch, Nathalie Spittler, Mathias Kirchner  
  System Dynamics and Systems Thinking in Entrepreneurship Research: a systematic literature review Daniel de los Rios Pérez  
  Uncovering the Dynamics of Telehealth Implementation and Its Unintended Consequences: A Case of Rural Australia Sagda Osman, Kate Churruca, Louise A. Ellis, Jeffrey Braithwaite  
  Poster: Bridging complexity employing a multi-method hybrid approach Sinead Madden  
17:15 18:45 TableTalk(332): SOC Table Talk Session (In Person Only) Celia Stafford Sydneshaugen (3)
  Unraveling the Complexity of Volcanic Risk: A Participatory Systems Approach to Mt. Taranaki's Socio-Economic System Martyna Wala  
  Odyssey Theory: A Multi-Scale Theory of Supply Chain Sustainability and Circularity Samuel Allen, Khalid Saeed, Sharon Johnson  
17:15 18:45 TableTalk(331): SOC Table Talk Session (In Person Only) Celia Stafford Sydneshaugen (3)
  Poster: The Hemp in Agriculture for Carbon Sequestration (HACS) System Dynamic (SD) simulation Sinead Madden  
  The Role of Group Model Building in Facilitating Decision Makers’ Systems Thinking Competencies Development in Complex System Arfenia Nita, Nici Zimmermann, Dzhordzhio Naldzhiev  
  Development+of+a+GroupModel+Build-Based+Workshop+for+an+Ex-Post+Process+Evaluation+of+Local+Mobility+Services Valerie Batiajew, Astrid Guehnemann  
  The “Hidden Order” within the Crop-Livestock Systems: A Dual Case Study Anchored in the Theory of Complex Adaptive Systems Changjiang Yu, Xiaojing Jia  
  Interdisciplinary & systemic methods to develop sustainable mobility hubs Eva Paola Kvist Campos  
  Understanding the Impact of Climate Change on Abortion Access in Florida using Systems Dynamics Modeling Danya Birnbaum, Justine Maffei, Rachel Thompson, Turner Canty, David Lounsbury, Nasim Sabounchi  
  How to Include Social Norms in Public Health System Dynamics Models Callie Ogland-Hand  
  Mobility disadvantaged households in Austria, transitions to low-carbon mobility and transport-related social inclusion Olivia Gold  
  Building Bridges for Different Insights - Combining System Dynamics and Agent-Based Modelling in Entrepreneurship Research Kristine Heimdal  
  Employment trends and population mental health through a gendered lens Shreya Sonthalia  
18:45 20:15 Special(293): Bergen Walking Tour - meet in Lobby, see abstract for details Birgit Kopainsky, Ali Saysel
Saeed Langarudi
  Bergen Walking Tour Birgit Kopainsky, Ali Saysel, Saeed Langarudi